Pregnancy time is the toughest time of all for a woman. Basically exercise is good for all ages and all condition of health depending on the effect. I have twins who are the most precious gift of my life.
While I passed the pregnancy time, I used to exercise to keep me fit and prepared for childbirth. I have seen many of my relatives and friends have gone through only “Yoga” during their pregnancy time, as they were confused what guidelines should be followed during that health condition.
My doctor advised me to exercise at least 60 minutes a day (30 minutes each in the morning and evening). In that time I was seriously having problems in sleeping and back pain.
My ankles were swelling and working out benefited me in boosting my mood and also helped me in declining pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, constipation and nausea.
I am going to tell you about my safest way of doing exercise which my health care specialist suggested while I was expecting.
While I have gone for swimming during my expecting time, I have seen many women like me also have come for same cause. It helped my body to be toned, losing extra weight and reduced the stress at joints.
It also facilitates me in increasing my heart rates and reduces overheating my body. I have found swimming is safe as it reduce the risk of falling and same time I was prohibited to scuba diving or water skiing.
Make a splash with safe and enjoyable swimming during pregnancy.
Walking and jogging
Before pregnancy, I used to go for running or jogging for at least 2 hours daily at morning. So I never quite walking and running during my expecting time. I have found these workouts more enjoyable and beneficial. Before starting the day.
I always tried to make sure about the carrying water bottle to drink so that I don’t get dehydrated. To reduce the risk of falling, I was using nice shoes.
A healthy pregnancy starts with safe exercise: Try walking and jogging.
As this exercise is reputed in decreasing stress and body pain, I used to do it at least for 30 minutes. It helped me reducing morning sickness at day break. I never tried laying flat for long time and overstretch.
Maintain a healthy pregnancy with gentle yoga exercises.
Indoor cycling
It also kept me safe from the risk of falling on the ground. Though my doctor prescribed to go for outdoor cycling, I never tried that as I always have fear to falling down from it. I thought the extra weight of my twins belly could have made it tough to maintain proper balance.
Recumbent Bike Exercise
Keeping fit and healthy during pregnancy with safe recumbent bike exercises!
The back support and the lounge seating have facilitated me during my expecting time. I could semi laid down near to the ground with stretching my legs; this position gave me maximum comfort.
It helped me in improving body flexibility, reduce my stress, depression, maintaining body weight eliminate in pregnancy discomfort like; back pains, nausea, and fatigues. The more I did the workouts in recumbent bike exercise machine the more peace I have found.
These exercises helped me in reducing risk about having obesity prone baby. But definitely, I continue the exercise only with doctor’s advice as I never wanted to compromise my baby’s health.